
  • Berry Smoothie

    Serving Size:
    420ml - Regular
    Product(s) to Use:
    Vanilla Frappé

    Berry Smoothie


    Put all ingredients into a blender in the following order and blend until smooth and serve:

    Using Banana Real Fruit Concentrate:

    1. 180g Ice (Level Thirst Cup)
    2. 60g Vanilla Frappé Powder (Thirst Scoop)
    3. 50ml Banana Real Fruit Concentrate (Bottom Line of Thirst Cup)
    4. 80ml Water added to concentrate (Top Line of Thirst Cup)

    Using Fresh Banana:

    1. 180g Ice (Level Thirst Cup)
    2. 60g Vanilla Frappé Powder (Thirst Scoop)
    3. 1 banana
    4. 140ml Water (Top Line of Thirst Cup)